The participants social fears and negative beliefs are defied through diverse actions including acting exercises, discussions and personal challenges.

What can we address ?

Uneasiness to be observed

Opening to others
Worry of others opinion

Dread of failure
Fear of looking ridiculous

Expression & Self-esteem

How does it work ?

Through different acting exercices, individual work, challenges and experience sharing, the participants explore the social difficulties they encounter in their private and professional life.
As each participants needs can be very different, the content of the training can change slightly from one group to the other, in order for them to tackle their difficulties at their own rhythm,
This training session lasts several days (minimum 3 days).

Why acting?

When asked, many actors describe themselves as being shy. Yet, they all perform on stage in front of small to large audiences.
Is acting a powerful way to go beyond oneself and push one's limits? This is what we propose you to explore!